November 19, 2007- Monday

Files from activities and events on November 19, 2007. Rome Scientific police transmit the first two preliminary DNA reports from 11/17/07; police continue searching for Guede; police are able to intercept a Skype chat and calls between Guede and a friend of his (Benedetti); the Postal Police issue reports on Sollecito's laptop activity and on cellphone contents.

Police notices

These notices and transmittals document police activities on November 19th. The documents are grouped by who issued them.

Prosecutor notices

These notices document prosecutor activities on November 19th.


The Postal Police reports note the activity of Sollecito's laptop, his internet activity and the cellphone contents of the three suspects.


These are witness statements taken by the Carabinieri, lawyers and the police on November 19th.

Intercepted phone calls

Various summaries and transcripts of intercepted phone calls. On this day Benedetti, a friend of Guede's, under police authorization, contacted Guede who was in Germany, in an effort to track down Guede and convince him to return to Germany. This contact occurred over an initial Skype chat and two follow-up phone calls. The audio and transcript for the first phone call start with the call already in progress.

Phone logs

Various logs listing cellphone contents and Guede's internet access.

Lawyer notices

A lawyer notice issued on November 19th.

Miscellaneous files

Correspondence from Fastweb regarding Sollecito's internet access.

Relevant links
November 20, 2007