Wound evidence

These are all the files related to the wounds suffered by Meredith Kercher during her attack and murder. The most important reports are the coroner's report by Lalli, and the two related reports by Bacci, Liviero and Marchionni of April 24, 2008, and the Cingolani, Ronchi and Aprile report of April 15, 2008, made by the GIP court appointed medical consultants. All three reports provide a detailied review of the wounds sustained by Meredith, with the Cingolani report providing an itemization of the wounds, organized by type. 

In addition to the three principal medical reports, the April 19, 2008, evidentiary hearing on the wounds and manner of death is also a key reference document. The hearing transcript and the audio (5 hours plus) shows how the different teams of consultants considered the wounds and the different ways in which the attack might have occurred. 

Also worth reading is the June 9, 2008, UACV report and charts and their May 27, 2009, courtroom presentation which also reviews the crime scene and some of the wounds sustained by Meredith, prinicipally to show that the attack had to be carried out by multiple persons.

It is worth noting that Meredith sustained two principal knife wounds on the neck, a few glancing knife wounds on the face and neck, and a few extremely small knife wounds on the hands. All of the other wounds were bruises- on the face, neck, left elbow, right forearm, right hand, left thigh, right shin, over both iliac crests of the pelvic bone (on the left and right side of the front of the lower abdomen, where the skin rides over the pelvis), at the back of the skull (complete with internal hemorrage) and the top of the skull (with lighter hemorrhage) and elsewhere. In total there are over 40 wounds, between bruises and about a dozen knife wounds, including the two major ones on the neck. 

The two major knife wounds on the neck are on opposite sides, with a significant gaping knife wound on the left side, likely made with a larger knife, and a small but deep knife wound on the right side, made with a smaller knife.

Naturally, all the documents have been censored to avoid showing the cadaver, per the Kercher family's request.

Medical evidence found or reviewed by the coroner, Scientific Police or prosecutor consultants

Crime scene surveys related to review of the wounds sustained by Meredith. The first document has a description of the more most significant knife wounds on the neck.

Reports and presentations. The final autopsy report and the April 24, 2008, report are both critical medical reports that illustrate the wounds and provide interesting analysis of the wounds, time of death, whether there was sexual violence, etc.

Notices and transmittals

Files by Others

Defense consultant reports. The Fortuni Reattelli report was for Guede's defense team.

Civil party consultant report

GIP court consultant report. This is one of the three significant medical reports, in part because it itemizes the wounds in an orderly fashion.

UACV notes and diagrams

These files are highlighted notes and diagrams that show some of the wounds sustained by Meredith. They do not constitute a complete 'wound map'.

Court testimony

Various testimonies from different court proceedings related to wound analysis. The most significant is the April 19, 2008, evidentiary hearing in which various consultant teams discussed thr wounds and possible nature of the attack. The PDF but also the audio are well worth hearing.
The final testimony of November 21, 2009 was part of the prosecution closing arguments. Towards the end of this document, prosecutor Comodi provides commentary on a video reproduction the prosecutors had made to provide a visual representation of the attack according to the prosecution. This video gained notariety in the press for its cost, but it was the result of several months of 3D computer rendering work. The video was never intended to be released to the press or public, and was solely intended for reference use by the Massei court (and any appeals court willing to view it.) This testimony is included because Comodi, while commenting on the video, provides a 'step-by-step' recount of some of the principal wounds sustained by Meredith.

Forensic articles

Various forensic articles on wounds and medical matters. The last document, an uncensored and extremely GRAPHIC article, shows wounds typically sustained by victims in knife attacks. Similar images were shown by the UACV in their May 27, 2009, Massei court presentation. This is to underscore that Meredith had very, very slight defensive wounds (apart from the two principal knife wounds in the neck.) This strongly suggests Meredith was restrained while being attacked with the knives, which could only have been possible in an attack made by multiple persons.

Other files

Zip files containing images pertinent to the wounds studied (none are particularly GRAPHIC). The two image files are from Knox and Sollecito's body exam done by the police at the time of their arrest on November 6, 2007. Knox had a notable scratch on her neck.

Relevant links
Files by Subject